Interview Of Desolation,Creator,person who had whole idea and developer of the Stranded RP Mod
Canto xe:Hello
Canto xe:Today we will be speaking to Desolation,Developer of The Stranded RP For Blockland
Canto xe:Ok
Canto xe:First of all
Canto xe:How did you come up with the idea of Stranded rp?And especially for blockland?
Desolation:Well, I've seen games that are based on Survival all over. These appealed to me and so I decided to create one for Blockland considering it was not already made.
Canto xe:What about the RP's Wich are made "on hand"।So Basically all you got to do is survive like all the other Survival RP's out there on the Blockland Community
Desolation:Well, most of the "Survival RP's" on Blockland implement Zombies or some sort of monster. Stranded will offer a unique situation in which a player will actually feel fear for their self, I've been a fan of gaming since I was little and games that have subtle horror always scared me the most. Stranded is going be a overall fun experience even for the more gentle players.
Canto xe:What Features Will Stranded Support?
Desolation:Well, Stranded is going to have a whole assortment of features. It's going to be a really..."deep" mod. Players will have to do everything from skinning an animal for hides, organs, and meat to exploring the dense forests of The Island. Some more detailed functions will include the realistic damage system, the Tribe system, advanced AI Pathfinding, and the very method a player goes about survival.
Canto xe:Will there be a custom map for Stranded RP Or People will have to build it on they're own? Will the models be custom wich your team will make or you will collect bunch of add-ons?
Desolation:I've created a map known as "The Island". The inhabitants of The Island will be required to build their own shelter. The Stranded project has a open team, meaning anyone can join if they post a model that will help benefit to the mod. Most models will be custom, while some are in local add-ons.
Canto xe:With local you mean Default?
Desolation:No, by local I mean those which are released in the Add-Ons section of the Blockland forums.
Canto xe:So it will include other add-ons by other authors
Canto xe:Do you guarrante quality for The Stranded Rp Mod?
Desolation:The mod it self will have a high quality. It's up to the server owners and modders to defy this quality though.
Canto xe:From my "sources" i've heard that you stopped medieval rpg will you do that again in the stranded rp mod?
Desolation:Nope. Medieval RP, and Fallout RP where both proclaimed "Dead" after my harddrive failed. The harddrive I owned was known for its failures and since I had a unlimited warranty I kept abusing it. Anyway, I bought a new harddrive and Stranded can be expected for release by August 18,2010.
Canto xe:Really that fast?By August 18?Also Will stranded rp include a local chat system wich gets enabled when making a minigame and if it exists will there be an option to turn on and off?
Desolation:Stranded is going to be known for customization. Most if not all of the functions will have the option to be turned on/off. The only snag that I've hit so far is the lack of foliage/animal models.
Canto xe:Will the add-ons be released one by one or all in one pack?
Desolation:I'm planning to release Stranded as a huge pack.
Canto xe:Aren't you worried about well sorry for using the word noobs who will say randomly "This sucks"
Desolation:Not really, "Haters gonna hate". If they provide a example of why "This Sucks" then I'll be willing to compromise and offer a fix.
Canto xe:Ok
Canto xe:Stranded is a really old game with as i've seen from videos bad graphics!Are you willing somehow to make it more famous by your mod?Or you played the game,liked it so much and came up with the idea?
Desolation:Well, Stranded was a method of inspiration for me. I hope that it will have some more English speaking players.
Desolation:From my release of course.
Canto xe:Well yeah it will sure have since most of the community speaks English
Canto xe:So,is there any possibility for delay for the release date of The Mod?
Desolation:Well, the only possibility for a delay would be caused by the lack of additional content. If I don't find/create any more foliage/animals then it won't be very fun to play.
Canto xe:So the estimated realease date is August 18?
Canto xe:Thanks for spending your time with me,and sharing everything to the blockland community
Canto xe:Good night and good morning for me since it's 6:36 am
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