"The game where you kill people"
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Dennus (Antares) Jim (Interviewer)
Interview with Antares Aka Twix!
Jim says:
Dennuss says:
Jim says:
Today we will be speaking To Antares,an very old player wich was also known with name Twix
Dennuss says:
Yeah, and now an 10-year old idiot took the name Twix, and I don't like the name Twix. The name Antares has an more "space" effect.
So buddy, welcome to the Laurentic Star Line office. You are here too...?
Jim says:
So...How did you come up with ships,you could do cars,items,vehicles!
Dennuss says:
Because it began all when I saw the Titanic '97 movie in 1998, when I was three years old.
Later I made steamships in paint in 2D, later I thought to make the Poseidon ship (Queen Mary 1) into Blockland.
And then in June 2009 the story of the Artania, Mautania and Freshtania began.
And less then two months, the biggest four-stacker Artanic, Malantic, Bricanic were born.
And then slowly many ships came, Sea Star Line became Laurentic Star Line. The Artania wasn't needed anymore, she was sent to the breakers yard.
Jim says:
Many of your ships were sent to the breakers yard, where they sent because you did not have time to control them?Or you did not like them?
Dennuss says:
No, some of the ships were scrapped because they were not needed anymore. When the new ships came (such as Artanic, Malantic, Queen Larissa) and many more. The ships really looked old, when the new ships came with new design.
Jim says:
Is there any possibility to release all of your ships? IF you do there's possibility for people to say "This sucks" Because they don't know how to use it.
Dennuss says:
People who will say "This sucks", does suck self because they suck at placing an ship with Missioneditor in an map. Also if the ships will be released, I will also give an tutorial how to make an steamship. Maybe more people will create it. And maybe people with more skills then me could create ships with interiors.
I am also planning to build an small private yacht boat, two floors, fully furniture.
It's about the Blue Marlin thing from the Playmobile.
Jim says:
So, Are you planning to make your dreams come true, i mean make your ships come true?
Dennuss says:
Haha, well an queston to laugh about, but if I am planning to give Holland America Line ideas to build my ship, they need cruise-ship interior, cabins on the outside, swimmingpool, bow trusters and many more things.
Jim says:
Now for something related to blockland, do you believe in ID Racism?
Dennuss says:
Jim says:
What's your opinion about it?
Dennuss says:
Well I don't know why they call people noobs when they have an high ID. The ID is just an number to show other people which player count you are. Example: That 23000 people joined before you joined.
Jim says:
What's your favorite ships along of all of your ships/
Dennuss says:
The favorite ship is the Artanic.
Because she looks an magnificent ships, when the Malantic and Bricanic went down she was the only ship of the Artanic-Class, later in May 2010, Laurentic Star Line had too much money and they had to build an 56,000 GRT liner. It was called Malantic 3.
Jim says:
Wich of your ships you think is your faster,and wich is the one wich could survive more years than your other ships?
Dennuss says:
I think the Artanic will survive it till (2035) the real year. Then it would be 100-years ago that the old White Star Liner Olympic lied for six months in Southampton for her final fate.
And all ships has a speed of 30 knots, but the United Peekarica had 46 knots.
Jim says:
So i've heard your making your own game, how did you come up with the idea of making your own game and with the comment of the game "The game where you kill people"
Dennuss says:
Because when I saw Blockland, and made Peekarica in February 2009, I was thinking to make a own game about it. And when I figured out that Blockland was made with Torque, I really liked the engine.
I am not an expert in scripter (Even I don't know the Hello world shit) but I try in the future to get 50 players up in Peekarica.
Jim says:
How did you come up with the name Peekarica?
Dennuss says:
Because Peek City wasn't an really name to use, but my first game was called GTT: Peek City. But then I thought something about America. Then I thought to make it Peekarica.
Jim says:
So....Who are the people who mostly supported you in your "life" into blockland and in your game Peekarica
Dennuss says:
Mystery Guy, Krypton (at the time in 2008 named Slitheron), Mr.LoL, Smax, Devvy996 were the best friends ever
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