Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Posted here what was supposed to be in another blog. Sorry lol. I will fill this space up with something later.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Chris Ridiculous - Build Stealer!
I would like to say that this person likes to steal builds. I know two scenarios in this case.
- I have a friend named Darksnow. but he got a build stolen from Chris. Chris ends up getting banned, but that's not the main reason why I posted.
- A guy named Moo make a nice school for a School RP. But before I go on his server, I went to Chris. A guy spawns and claims the build is stolen. I asked if it was, and the guy that said it was gets banned. I ask again, and Chris tells me to shut up. He then banned lots of people, including me, because he was pissed off. I then went to Moo's server and I saw that the build was stolen. I tell Moo, and he gets pissed off. Later, I rejoined and the Welcome message had the following, "Chris Ridiculous stole this build." My advice, say away from Chris's server.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Badmin - Rian168
Hello. Today I would like to share with you what a bad badmin I saw today.
I connected to HappyMan710's Server and found he was AFK but there was another admin called Rian168. Straight when I joined I saw him say "I don't care if you spam guys". Then someone said against that and he automatically kicked him. I said "Admin Abuser!" he kicked me. I rejoined hoping that Happy was back but he wasn't. Rian kept kicking people for small things. When everyone called him an admin abuser he started banning. Eventually pretty much everyone had been kicked/banned. I had been kicked. I came back one more time just to say...
"Admin Abuser! Ban me. Go on!"
The server has dropped connection.
Rian168 has banned you for five minutes. Reason: ok i will
And it was over. It was worth it. Lol.
NOTE: I may have got the "168" number wrong.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
New Music Stream, provided by TheBlackParrot
My music stream uses Livestream for now, and possibly forever. It contains "non-WMG or Viacom will take this off of YouTube" music, which means it's not copyrighted.
OCRemix, ModArchive, and Newgrounds Audio Portal are being used.
Requests are being taken. :)
OCRemix, ModArchive, and Newgrounds Audio Portal are being used.
Requests are being taken. :)
Interview with Antares.Also known as twix

"The game where you kill people"
Join today at
Dennus (Antares) Jim (Interviewer)
Interview with Antares Aka Twix!
Jim says:
Dennuss says:
Jim says:
Today we will be speaking To Antares,an very old player wich was also known with name Twix
Dennuss says:
Yeah, and now an 10-year old idiot took the name Twix, and I don't like the name Twix. The name Antares has an more "space" effect.
So buddy, welcome to the Laurentic Star Line office. You are here too...?
Jim says:
So...How did you come up with ships,you could do cars,items,vehicles!
Dennuss says:
Because it began all when I saw the Titanic '97 movie in 1998, when I was three years old.
Later I made steamships in paint in 2D, later I thought to make the Poseidon ship (Queen Mary 1) into Blockland.
And then in June 2009 the story of the Artania, Mautania and Freshtania began.
And less then two months, the biggest four-stacker Artanic, Malantic, Bricanic were born.
And then slowly many ships came, Sea Star Line became Laurentic Star Line. The Artania wasn't needed anymore, she was sent to the breakers yard.
Jim says:
Many of your ships were sent to the breakers yard, where they sent because you did not have time to control them?Or you did not like them?
Dennuss says:
No, some of the ships were scrapped because they were not needed anymore. When the new ships came (such as Artanic, Malantic, Queen Larissa) and many more. The ships really looked old, when the new ships came with new design.
Jim says:
Is there any possibility to release all of your ships? IF you do there's possibility for people to say "This sucks" Because they don't know how to use it.
Dennuss says:
People who will say "This sucks", does suck self because they suck at placing an ship with Missioneditor in an map. Also if the ships will be released, I will also give an tutorial how to make an steamship. Maybe more people will create it. And maybe people with more skills then me could create ships with interiors.
I am also planning to build an small private yacht boat, two floors, fully furniture.
It's about the Blue Marlin thing from the Playmobile.
Jim says:
So, Are you planning to make your dreams come true, i mean make your ships come true?
Dennuss says:
Haha, well an queston to laugh about, but if I am planning to give Holland America Line ideas to build my ship, they need cruise-ship interior, cabins on the outside, swimmingpool, bow trusters and many more things.
Jim says:
Now for something related to blockland, do you believe in ID Racism?
Dennuss says:
Jim says:
What's your opinion about it?
Dennuss says:
Well I don't know why they call people noobs when they have an high ID. The ID is just an number to show other people which player count you are. Example: That 23000 people joined before you joined.
Jim says:
What's your favorite ships along of all of your ships/
Dennuss says:
The favorite ship is the Artanic.
Because she looks an magnificent ships, when the Malantic and Bricanic went down she was the only ship of the Artanic-Class, later in May 2010, Laurentic Star Line had too much money and they had to build an 56,000 GRT liner. It was called Malantic 3.
Jim says:
Wich of your ships you think is your faster,and wich is the one wich could survive more years than your other ships?
Dennuss says:
I think the Artanic will survive it till (2035) the real year. Then it would be 100-years ago that the old White Star Liner Olympic lied for six months in Southampton for her final fate.
And all ships has a speed of 30 knots, but the United Peekarica had 46 knots.
Jim says:
So i've heard your making your own game, how did you come up with the idea of making your own game and with the comment of the game "The game where you kill people"
Dennuss says:
Because when I saw Blockland, and made Peekarica in February 2009, I was thinking to make a own game about it. And when I figured out that Blockland was made with Torque, I really liked the engine.
I am not an expert in scripter (Even I don't know the Hello world shit) but I try in the future to get 50 players up in Peekarica.
Jim says:
How did you come up with the name Peekarica?
Dennuss says:
Because Peek City wasn't an really name to use, but my first game was called GTT: Peek City. But then I thought something about America. Then I thought to make it Peekarica.
Jim says:
So....Who are the people who mostly supported you in your "life" into blockland and in your game Peekarica
Dennuss says:
Mystery Guy, Krypton (at the time in 2008 named Slitheron), Mr.LoL, Smax, Devvy996 were the best friends ever

Interview Of Desolation,Creator,person who had whole idea and developer of the Stranded RP Mod
Canto xe:Hello
Canto xe:Today we will be speaking to Desolation,Developer of The Stranded RP For Blockland
Canto xe:Ok
Canto xe:First of all
Canto xe:How did you come up with the idea of Stranded rp?And especially for blockland?
Desolation:Well, I've seen games that are based on Survival all over. These appealed to me and so I decided to create one for Blockland considering it was not already made.
Canto xe:What about the RP's Wich are made "on hand"।So Basically all you got to do is survive like all the other Survival RP's out there on the Blockland Community
Desolation:Well, most of the "Survival RP's" on Blockland implement Zombies or some sort of monster. Stranded will offer a unique situation in which a player will actually feel fear for their self, I've been a fan of gaming since I was little and games that have subtle horror always scared me the most. Stranded is going be a overall fun experience even for the more gentle players.
Canto xe:What Features Will Stranded Support?
Desolation:Well, Stranded is going to have a whole assortment of features. It's going to be a really..."deep" mod. Players will have to do everything from skinning an animal for hides, organs, and meat to exploring the dense forests of The Island. Some more detailed functions will include the realistic damage system, the Tribe system, advanced AI Pathfinding, and the very method a player goes about survival.
Canto xe:Will there be a custom map for Stranded RP Or People will have to build it on they're own? Will the models be custom wich your team will make or you will collect bunch of add-ons?
Desolation:I've created a map known as "The Island". The inhabitants of The Island will be required to build their own shelter. The Stranded project has a open team, meaning anyone can join if they post a model that will help benefit to the mod. Most models will be custom, while some are in local add-ons.
Canto xe:With local you mean Default?
Desolation:No, by local I mean those which are released in the Add-Ons section of the Blockland forums.
Canto xe:So it will include other add-ons by other authors
Canto xe:Do you guarrante quality for The Stranded Rp Mod?
Desolation:The mod it self will have a high quality. It's up to the server owners and modders to defy this quality though.
Canto xe:From my "sources" i've heard that you stopped medieval rpg will you do that again in the stranded rp mod?
Desolation:Nope. Medieval RP, and Fallout RP where both proclaimed "Dead" after my harddrive failed. The harddrive I owned was known for its failures and since I had a unlimited warranty I kept abusing it. Anyway, I bought a new harddrive and Stranded can be expected for release by August 18,2010.
Canto xe:Really that fast?By August 18?Also Will stranded rp include a local chat system wich gets enabled when making a minigame and if it exists will there be an option to turn on and off?
Desolation:Stranded is going to be known for customization. Most if not all of the functions will have the option to be turned on/off. The only snag that I've hit so far is the lack of foliage/animal models.
Canto xe:Will the add-ons be released one by one or all in one pack?
Desolation:I'm planning to release Stranded as a huge pack.
Canto xe:Aren't you worried about well sorry for using the word noobs who will say randomly "This sucks"
Desolation:Not really, "Haters gonna hate". If they provide a example of why "This Sucks" then I'll be willing to compromise and offer a fix.
Canto xe:Ok
Canto xe:Stranded is a really old game with as i've seen from videos bad graphics!Are you willing somehow to make it more famous by your mod?Or you played the game,liked it so much and came up with the idea?
Desolation:Well, Stranded was a method of inspiration for me. I hope that it will have some more English speaking players.
Desolation:From my release of course.
Canto xe:Well yeah it will sure have since most of the community speaks English
Canto xe:So,is there any possibility for delay for the release date of The Mod?
Desolation:Well, the only possibility for a delay would be caused by the lack of additional content. If I don't find/create any more foliage/animals then it won't be very fun to play.
Canto xe:So the estimated realease date is August 18?
Canto xe:Thanks for spending your time with me,and sharing everything to the blockland community
Canto xe:Good night and good morning for me since it's 6:36 am
Gamefandan's Ultimate Monster RP Beta Server Review
One day I was thinking of something to do. Suddenly my friend told me to come to Gamfandan's. I went and was pleasantly surprised.
In this server you fight monsters with friends or alone. You can choose from the classes Swordsman, Gunman, Bowman and Cleric. Each one comes with their own weapon and spells.
Swordsman = The swordsman comes with a sword and is the only class that is very good with close combat.
Gunman = The worst class. Comes with a weak gun. Very bad choice.
Bowman = The bowman comes with a bow. The bow is quite strong. One of the better classes.
Cleric = What I thought was the best class. The cleric comes with a bow like the bowman BUT one of his spells is heal. The cleric can heal himself and/or others. You can also bind you light key to heal so you can heal your self in the middle of combat without having to stop and type.
The adventure is very good. You go off and fight trolls, ice kings and these mini white things. Or maybe you will go into the dark realm. To fight the bigger monsters you may have to team up with friends by creating a party. You can also /saveme when you are just about to leave so you can load your progress when you get back.
I do have one quarrel though. The admin. Sometimes the admin could be very bad. When I say admin I mean Gamefandan himself. For one, when anyone killed in the no-kill zone he wouldn't stop them. He would just act like nothing had happened. For two, he was abusing his admin a bit. He was being giant and shooting people with a rocket launcher. To be fair everyone was laughing and it was a bit of a laugh as we called him GOD but it could get annoying when you just got out of the dark cave. Luckily there was no time or lives so you would just respawn.
Now for the ratings...
Fun - 9/10
Adventure - 7/10
Originality - 8/10
Admin - 5/10
Overall - 7.5/10
So if you want to have fun and you don't mind getting free killed one or two times drop by this server today!
Friday, August 6, 2010
RTB 4 Updates
Post from by Wedge
I was out of town for a few days so I was unable to get an update in. We’ve got a 12 day back log of news here so there’s a lot to cover.
Beta News
We’ll start off with what everyone’s probably dying to hear about.
The beta will begin once the chat is working. There will be a short closed alpha before the beta release. The initial beta will be chat only, new features will be gradually reintroduced. The v3 beta unfortunately ended up with a lot of people who didn’t bother filling out bug reports or wrote very poor bug reports. The solution for v4 testing is that roughly a third of the initial beta slots will be filled by appointment. The rest of the beta should proceed normally.
Please do not ask to get in the beta. If you’re appointed you will know, if you’re not appointed you’ll be able to apply normally when the beta is open.
The beta should be opening fairly soon, so keep an eye on this blog, the Blockland forums, the RTB forums, and the beta site if you want to get in! Make it your homepage if you really want to get in. Slots are assigned on a first come, first served basis, so sign up as soon as you can!
Beta Site
Beta Announcements
RTB News
There’s been quite a few updates to RTB as well.
First of all, a sneak peak at the friends menu GUI.
As you can see, a few new options have been added to it. As mentioned in a previous blog update, the info button will bring up some information like their current name, previous aliases, ID, what server they’re in, etc. Friends will have a status next to them telling you if they’re hosting a server or playing, and what server they’re on. RTB Connect be able to distinguish between LAN servers, single player, and various Internet servers so your friends will always know where to find you (if you want them to). However, you won’t be able to set custom statuses nor will there be support for any kind of status plugins (for example: mp3 plugins that tell people what song you’re listening to).
We’ll also be seeing the return of chat rooms, although they will no longer be IRC based and you will be able to create your own and control who can join them. That chat system will also be able to use any character that Blockland allows, so you’ll be able to name yourself ««§ÃªÃ¥®GeÃ¥Nt»» and have it show up correctly in the friends list if you really want to.
Ephialtes is currently working on finishing up the messaging system and the interface, once this is finished the closed alpha and semi-open beta will begin.
Poll Results: "How high/low is your ID?"
Above 20000: 2% [3/117]
15000 - 20000: 11% [14/117]
10000 - 15000: 17% [21/117]
5000 - 10000: 26% [31/117]
Under 5000: 41% [48/117]
Looks as if most of the blog viewers's (correct grammar stfu) IDs are under 5000.
15000 - 20000: 11% [14/117]
10000 - 15000: 17% [21/117]
5000 - 10000: 26% [31/117]
Under 5000: 41% [48/117]
Looks as if most of the blog viewers's (correct grammar stfu) IDs are under 5000.
BL Blog Video of the Week
This week, I got together with some friends and did some crazy jeep tricks, out of the crazy idea of taking the jeep into a nosedive from way up high above the map.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wizzard's [SS] Dogfight Server Reviewed!
- Creativity: 10/10 - The water element added a good deal more fun and challenge, plus the objectives gave me something to contest the other team for.
- Build: 10/10 - Everything is amazingly well built with detail, but at the same time simple enough not to cause lag.
- Fun: 10/10 - It's enormous fun to dogfight with planes over the water and capture objectives from your enemies, what can I say?
- Admin: 7/10 - There often isn't an admin present to take care of idiots, but when they're there, I have no problems with them.
- Overall: 9/10 - I have got to say, this dogfight is extremely well done, and I am certainly a regular on the server.
Tyler66 Discovers new Bedroom Secret!
You have probably known about the secret locations in the bedroom map for awhile now. But recently, Blockland player Tyler66 has discovered a new secret spot in a corner of the bedroom. If you want to find out how to get into this spot, visit that Blockland Forums topic about it.
Are some veterans, imposters!
As you all may know, some people are noobs, trolls, and complete morons. But, in recent months, I, along with many others, have seen people with low ID's, noobing, trolling, and being complete morons. I feel most of these guys, got the ID's illegally. Is this the start of the Blockland Dark Ages? Are veterans giving away there keys to morons? Is the community going to split into two? Will Badspot take action against these people? These questions, and many more are roaming the minds of everyone.
We all know some veterans are the backbone of Blockland, like Ephiates, Heedicalking, Sratofortress, and Gravity Cat. However, people that have low ID's are the cancer of Blockland. People think that just because they have a low ID, they are "all that". The truth is, they are not. They are just idiots who ruin the game for others. It doesn't matter if there ID is low. A noob is a noob. And even some of the idiots are ID racists., This proves that ID racism is just a stupid thing that people use to show that they are better than them. This blogger asks, will Badspot do something about it? Well, if he is, I'm waiting...
We all know some veterans are the backbone of Blockland, like Ephiates, Heedicalking, Sratofortress, and Gravity Cat. However, people that have low ID's are the cancer of Blockland. People think that just because they have a low ID, they are "all that". The truth is, they are not. They are just idiots who ruin the game for others. It doesn't matter if there ID is low. A noob is a noob. And even some of the idiots are ID racists., This proves that ID racism is just a stupid thing that people use to show that they are better than them. This blogger asks, will Badspot do something about it? Well, if he is, I'm waiting...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
In a slowly deteriorating community, veterans persevere.
As the IDs of new blocklanders climb higher and higher, it seems to me that the community is starting to lose its metaphorical grip a little. The advent of UnPnP (Universal Plug 'n' Play) allowing people to host servers without having to manually port-forward has in a way loosened the reigns a little. Now, nearly any average person can host a server and showcase their talent to the community. Unfortunately, there is also a darker side to this. Since almost anyone can host, that also means that far less mature and contained members (trolls, haters, bigots, etc.) can draw far more attention to themselves. These vectors, if you will, are often the cause for veterans like myself to leave the community and move on. Many have taken this path, some of which were good friends and acquaintances of mine.
Thankfully, however, many are starting to return to Blockland -- or at least, sticking around and dropping in every once in a while. Take Spation, for example. Up until recently, I hadn't seen him in at least 6-8 months. I've seen the likes of Stratofortress and Reformist too. Quite a few of us have never truly left, like Jirue, Maxwell, Kyle Brickalo, Randomguy, Destroyer and many others. Hopefully, more will come back, and fewer will go away in the future. We need to pass our good values to the next generation of blocklanders, just like the previous-current did to us back in version 7.
#00021 - Bell is finally opened.
So, I got good news from Mack, and he finished the topic and handed over the code. It is currently hammy down, but Straton is on the job tweaking it. Anyways, HB and Bell are on the same server, so basically Mack and I are the big bosses around the place. We drive our Segways, looking at other people use FEET. Seriously. We have a shack that holds memebers' segways.

That's us and our segways, :3. Well, soon we shall start on the clan's HQ, or is it theirs?

That's us and our segways, :3. Well, soon we shall start on the clan's HQ, or is it theirs?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
DemoCoN is an upcoming event in blockland. It is where lot's of clans make a small show and bring three to six people to show off their clan hoping to get more members. It was inspired by BlockoWorld. Sign ups are happening right now so go over and get your clan a spot! Hopefully this could be a great event so lets see how this progresses.
It's creator is called I Seth I on the forums and the link to the topic is here.
Expect an interview with I Seth I soon!
Monday, August 2, 2010
#00019 - RTB Weekly Top Picks for August 2nd - August 9th
1. Gamemode Zombie by Rotondo
3,564 downloads last week, 473 from in-game
2. Bushi doors by CaptainBaddass
2,796 downloads last week, 2,530 from in-game
3. RP Weather by JJstorm
1,921 downloads last week, 1,833 from in-game
4. BL Construct by Masterlegodude
1,769 downloads last week, 1,589 from in-game
5. Server Info Announcer by TheBlackParrot
1,599 downloads last week, 1,571 from in-game
HEY! I'm in this! :D
3,564 downloads last week, 473 from in-game
2. Bushi doors by CaptainBaddass
2,796 downloads last week, 2,530 from in-game
3. RP Weather by JJstorm
1,921 downloads last week, 1,833 from in-game
4. BL Construct by Masterlegodude
1,769 downloads last week, 1,589 from in-game
5. Server Info Announcer by TheBlackParrot
1,599 downloads last week, 1,571 from in-game
HEY! I'm in this! :D
#00018 - The largest music pack in Blockland, now bigger.
I'm pretty sure some of you have seen my music pack, out of the 1,322 times it was viewed.
Well, now it's 142 loops big.
Latest additions:
#126 Dynasty Warriors 2 Theme [59 KBPS @ 85KB [0:11]]
#127 I'm a Banana [69 KBPS @ 64KB [0:07]
#128 BM64 Sub-Boss Music [58 KBPS @ 212KB [0:29]]
#129 OOT Lost Woods [54 KBPS @ 208KB [0:30]]
#130 SSBB SMB Underground [60 KBPS @ 160KB [0:21]]
#131 Miracles [52 KBPS @ 593KB [1:30]]
#132 One More Time [54 KBPS @ 319KB [0:46]]
#133 Tetris Type A (Techno Remix) [60 KBPS @ 362KB [0:48]]
#134 HL2 Radio [44 KBPS @ 29KB [0:05]]
#135 Don't Haunt This Place (Chorus) [45 KBPS @ 131KB [0:22]]
#136 PMD:EOS Wigglytuff [47 KBPS @ 141KB [0:23]]
#137 PMD:EOS The Power of Darkness [49 KBPS @ 81KB [0:13]]
#138 Penn Roll'd [37 KBPS @ 150KB [0:31]]
#139 Heavy Bieber [55 KBPS @ 206KB [0:29]]
#140 SSBB LOZTW Hidden Village [50 KBPS @ 229KB [0:44]]
#141 MKW Starman [48 KBPS @ 18KB [0:02]]
#142 SMG Rainbow Star [46 KBPS @ 19KB [0:03]]
This pack has been updated over nearly 2 months now. I'm very happy with the amount of attention it's getting.
I also noticed something Burple posted:
Quote from Burple's post:
This could be a sign he's going to compete with me. This is good news for you guys.
Well, now it's 142 loops big.
Latest additions:
#126 Dynasty Warriors 2 Theme [59 KBPS @ 85KB [0:11]]
#127 I'm a Banana [69 KBPS @ 64KB [0:07]
#128 BM64 Sub-Boss Music [58 KBPS @ 212KB [0:29]]
#129 OOT Lost Woods [54 KBPS @ 208KB [0:30]]
#130 SSBB SMB Underground [60 KBPS @ 160KB [0:21]]
#131 Miracles [52 KBPS @ 593KB [1:30]]
#132 One More Time [54 KBPS @ 319KB [0:46]]
#133 Tetris Type A (Techno Remix) [60 KBPS @ 362KB [0:48]]
#134 HL2 Radio [44 KBPS @ 29KB [0:05]]
#135 Don't Haunt This Place (Chorus) [45 KBPS @ 131KB [0:22]]
#136 PMD:EOS Wigglytuff [47 KBPS @ 141KB [0:23]]
#137 PMD:EOS The Power of Darkness [49 KBPS @ 81KB [0:13]]
#138 Penn Roll'd [37 KBPS @ 150KB [0:31]]
#139 Heavy Bieber [55 KBPS @ 206KB [0:29]]
#140 SSBB LOZTW Hidden Village [50 KBPS @ 229KB [0:44]]
#141 MKW Starman [48 KBPS @ 18KB [0:02]]
#142 SMG Rainbow Star [46 KBPS @ 19KB [0:03]]
This pack has been updated over nearly 2 months now. I'm very happy with the amount of attention it's getting.
I also noticed something Burple posted:
Quote from Burple's post:
I think I have the largest music pack in Blockland. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Not for long. Nom NOM NOM!This could be a sign he's going to compete with me. This is good news for you guys.
#00017 - New RTB Add-Ons
- Colored Names - Submitted by Korabar
- Fighter jet - Submitted by Phydeoux
- 2 Alarm sounds for ArmA 2 - Submitted by NMDanny
- Kill Camera - Submitted by Destiny
Yesterday's Missed Add-Ons
- Doom Blade - Submitted by takota14
- Player Position Saver - Submitted By DrenDren
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